

Editors to Issue Annual Even Though War With Germany Occurs.

The editors of the Freshman Red Book have decided that even if war should occur between the United States and Germany, the Red Book will nevertheless be published. Because of the probability of the war starting within a short time, it has been decided to hasten the work in all the departments as much as possible. This is especially necessary in the photographic department as the members of the Naval Reserve and the men who will take up training in the aviation section of the Signal Officers' Reserve Corps may leave College shortly. The photographic committee has fortunately obtained the pictures of those men who have already reported at Newport for the Naval Reserve and is rapidly getting those of the other members of the Reserve.

If circumstances should arise such that it is found impossible to publish the Red Book this year, it will be published eventually. About 200 paid subscriptions have been obtained and about 400 photographs have already been taken. The work of the business department is also progressing well, but it will be impossible to obtain many advertisements before the spring recess.

Last year's Red Book came out in the middle of June but this year the editors, in case there is war, hope to get it out early in May, but as several of the editors are already enrolled in the Reserve Officers Training Corps and some of the others intend to enlist in the Naval Reserve this plan may not be accomplished.
