

"Eyvind of the Hills" Will be Produced in Jordan Hall, Boston.

The first public performance in America of "Eyvind of the Hills," the Icelandic drama, will be given by the 47 Workshop in Jordan Hall, Boston, tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. The play is being put on by the Workshop at the invitation of the American-Scandinavian Foundation and the Scandinavian societies of Boston. It is in four acts by Johann Sigurjonsson, and, based upon historical incidents, it centers around the love story of a victim of the peculiar outlaw code of Iceland.

The performance is being given under the personal direction of Professor G. P. Baker '87. All profits will be given to the American Red Cross. Tickets at $1.50, $1 and 50 cents are on sale at the Co-operative, Herrick's Wallin's, Jacobson's and Jordan Hall.

The play was produced before a Workshop audience on January 26 and 27 and made such a favorable impression that arrangements for a public performance were started at once.

This is the first opportunity that undergraduates have had for seeing a Workshop play.
