


HARVARD  YALE T. Rice, l.w.  r.w., Stanley Baker, l.c.  r.c., Gould Percy, r.c.  l.c., Armour Townsend, r.w.  l.w., Laughlin Thacher, c.p.  c.p., Bierwirth Appleton, p.  p., Landon Wylde, g.  g., York

The final game of the intercollegiate hockey season will be played tonight in the New Haven Arena when the University seven will meet - Yale in the deciding game of the series. Upon the outcome of the contest depends the college championship; should Yale win the result will be a quadruple tie between the University, Dartmouth, Yale and Princeton. In that event, Dartmouth will lead in actual percentage of games won and lost, since the Green has played only one game with each of the other teams, winning from Princeton and Yale, but losing to the University; but in series rating Harvard and Dartmouth will stand the same. On the other hand, if the game tonight goes to the Crimson seven the championship will go with it.

At a late hour last night it was learned that Captain Murray of Yale will be unable to play tonight, but the reasons were not given. Bierwirth, who played defence in the first part of the season, will take his place and W. Stanley, 1919, will play Bierwirth's wing position.

The absence from the lineup of Captain Morgan, who is confined to the Stillman Infirmary with measles, will greatly handicap the team's defence, but Coach Winsor has been developing W. C. Appleton '17 to fill his position since Tuesday, and the new combination, supported by the veterans Wylde and Thacher, will be far from ineffective. T. H. Eckfeldt '17, the first string defence substitute, will also probably be unable to play, for his shoulder, injured ten days ago, is still weak.

The work of the forwards has rapidly improved since the game with Yale last Saturday. Their principle difficulty then seemed to be an unwillingness, as well as an inability, to pass the puck; the work of the week, however, has corrected this fault to a large extent. The scoring ability of all four men is high, with Percy leading in total scored. They proved themselves faster on the ice than the Yale quartet last. Saturday, but whether this was due to their familiarity with the larger Boston Arena or merely to individual speed it is difficult to say
