
Reserve Officers' Training Corps


1. Hereafter, in all lecture halls, section rooms, and other meetings, members of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps will arise upon the entrance of the instructor and stand at "attention" until he directs them to be seated, or until he has taken his seat.

2. At all formations in ranks, except when actually receiving instruction, cadets will be brought to "attention" by the officer or noncommissioned officer in charge upon the approach of a tactical instructor. The officer or noncommissioned officer in charge will then salute the instructor and give the command "rest" or "at ease" after the instructor has passed, or if he remains in the vicinity and so directs. The tactical instructors referred to herein are the Commandant and other commissioned officers of the Army other commissioned officers attached to the Department of Military Science and Tactics, the battalion commanders and their adjutants, and the regimental adjutant.

3. On all other occasions cadets, if in uniform, will come to "attention" upon the approach of an officer (including cadet captain and lieutenant). If grouped together and not in ranks, the first to perceive the officer will give the word "attention," when all will remain in this position until the officer has passed or directs otherwise. If not in ranks all will render the prescribed salute. Individual cadets in like manner observe these rules.

Attention is called to the following changes in Army Regulations, which also govern the Corps:


"382. Substitute the following: (1) Salutes shall be exchanged between officers and enlisted men not in a military formation, nor at drill, work, games, or mess, on every occasion of their meeting, passing near, or being addressed, the officer junior in rank or the enlisted man saluting first.

"(2) When an officer enters a room where there are several enlisted men, the word "attention" is given by some one who perceives him, when all rise, uncover, and remain standing at attention until the officer leaves the room or directs otherwise. Enlisted men at meals stop eating and remain seated at attention.

"(3) An enlisted man, if seated, rises on the approach of an officer, faces toward him, stands at attention, and salutes. Standing, he faces an officer for the same purpose. If the parties remain in the same place or on the same ground, such compliments need not be repeated. Soldiers actually at work do not cease work to salute an officer unless addressed by him.

"(4) Before addressing an officer, an enlisted man makes the prescribed salute with the weapon with which he is armed, or, if unarmed, with the right hand. He also makes the same salute after receiving a reply. C. A. R., No. 50, Jan. 8, 1917). (2143705 D--A. G. O.)

"383. Substitute the following (1) In uniform, covered or uncovered, but not in formation, officers and enlisted men salute military persons as follows: With arms in hand, the salute prescribed for that arm (sentinels on interior guard duty excepted); without arms, the right-hand salute.

"(2) In civilian dress covered or uncovered, officers and enlisted men salute military persons with the right-hand salute.

"(3) Officers and enlisted men will render the prescribed salutes in a military manner the officer junior in rank or the enlisted man saluting first. When several officers in company are saluted, all entitled to the salute shall return it.

"(4) Except in the field under campaign or simulated campaign conditions, a mounted officer (or soldier) dismounts before addressing a superior officer not mounted.

"(5) A man in formation shall not salute when directly addressed but shall come to attention if at rest or at ease. (C. A. R., No. 50, Jan. 8, 1917). (2143705 D--A. G. O.)

"384. (Changed by C. A. R. No. 33, W. D. 1915.) Substitute the following: (1) Saluting distance is that within which recognition is easy. In general, it does not exceed 30 paces.
