
Fencers Defeated Springfield

The University fencing team defeated the Springfield Y. M. C. A. College in Hemenway Gymnasium last night by the score of 7 to 2. Last year Springfield defeated the University. The results of the bouts were as follows:

Captain W. H. Russell '18 defeated Hammerstein 8 to 6, R. G. Crimmins '19 tied Rowley 3 to 3 in the first bout and won 5 to 1 in the play off, E. R. Gay '19 won from Todd by 9 to 4, Captain Russell beat Rowley 5 to 4, Crimmins defeated Todd 7 to 3 and Gay won from Hammerstein 5 to 2; Captain Russell defeated Todd 6 to 0. The University was defeated in the match between Hammerstein and E. P. Hamilton '18 by the score of 8 to 2 and in the match between Hammerstein and C. E. Hodges '19 by the score of 10 to 6.
