


The cast for the Hasty Pudding annual show has been selected and the dates of performances definitely decided upon. "Barnum Was Right" is the name of the play, which was written by S. P. Sears '17 and R. E. Sherwood '18. It is in a prologue and two acts, and deals with the efforts of the Spirit of the Movies to gain recognition among the arts on Mt. Olympus. Jupiter is called upon to decide, and professing ignorance of the movies, is led to the earth by the Spirit of the Movies to see them and judge their claims to a place among the arts. While on earth Jupiter meets and falls in love with one Vera, and together they elope to the South Sea Islands, unaware that during the entire time they are being "spotted" by the camera man for a film production. To prevent this exposure of his escapades with Vera, Jupiter is finally forced to accept the movies as an art. Thus the movies win recognition on Mt. Olympus and influence Jupiter to remain on earth.

The score for the show is made up of 18 musical numbers of which "My Little Movie Girl," "Adios," "Hello Dixie," and "When They Sang Little Buttercup," all by S. P. Sears '17, are especially counted on to please.

The cast follows: Ganymede, slave to Jupiter,   H. Wentworth '17 Jupiter,  J. W. D. Seymour '17 Abel Kidder  F. B. Dean '17 Harold,  A. Putnam '18 Mary,  B. Norman '18 Spirit of the Movies,   C. A. Coolidge, Jr., '17. Vera,  F. H. Cabot '17 A slave,  A. W. Clark '18 Lasky,  W. Rand '17 Oscar, maitre d'hotel,  F. L. Stagg '17 Hammond Egg,  G. B. Blaine '17 Heaver Brick,  M. A. Hawkins '18 Swing Lo.  J. Melcher '18

Chorus girls, ponies, mediums, nine nurses, etc.

Mr. J. Gilbert, of Boston, is coaching the production. The musical numbers will be accompanied by the orchestra of the Colonial Theatre, conducted by S. P. Sears '17.


Nine performances are scheduled as follows:

Graduates' night at the Pudding Theatre, Cambridge, April 7; Cambridge night at the Pudding Theatre, April 9; Providence, April 11; Wilbur Theatre, Boston, April 12, 13, and matinee April 13; Hotel Astor ballroom, New York, April 16 and 17; Baltimore, April 19.
