


Competitions for positions on the news, editorial and business staffs of the CRIMSON will begin at 7 o'clock this evening, when all candidates are to report at the CRIMSON Building, 14 Plympton street. The news and business competitions are open to members of the Freshman and Sophomore classes, and it is the last opportunity for Sophomores to make the news board. Three or four men from each of the two lower classes, according to their ability, will probably be taken on the news staff, and two or three on the business staff. The editorial competition is open to Juniors only and is the last chance for members of the Class of 1918 to make the CRIMSON board.

The work of the competition will be outlined at the meeting this evening by the heads of the three departments. The news competition consists chiefly in gathering items of interest to the University, and putting it in form for publication. The ability of getting news is more important than literary ability in this competition, since all "copy" is carefully edited and the candidates are taught the essentials of newspaper writing. Typewriting is not required. This competition is not only invaluable to men contemplating a journalistic career, but is the best possible means of coming in contact with the various organizations of the University.

First Business Competition for 1920.

This is the first time that a business competition has been run for members of the Freshman Class. Heretofore only Sophomores have been admitted to this department, but this spring it is probable that at least one business manager will be taken on the board from 1920. Several positions are also open on the business staff for Sophomores. The work required of the business candidates consists mainly of soliciting advertisements and some clerical work.

The editorial competition consists of writing editorials of timely interest to the University, of gathering data for editorials and items from other papers and magazines suitable for publication in the "comment" column on the editorial page. All the competitions will last approximately 12 weeks and no work will be required during the spring recess.
