

University Will Meet Yale at Cambridge and Go to Princeton.

The ninth annual intercollegiate debate under the triangular system, between the University, Yale and Princeton will be held on Friday, March 23. Yale will debate one of the University teams in Cambridge, while the other will meet Princeton at Princeton. The question to be discussed has been announced as follows:

Resolved: That after the present war the United States should so far depart from her traditional policy as to participate in the organization of leagues of Powers to enforce peace.

Trials for the University teams will start on Tuesday, February 13, when all candidates are to report in either Harvard 5 or 6 at 7.30 o'clock prepared with a five minute speech on either side of the question. The next trial will be held the following Thursday in the New Lecture Hall at 7.30 o'clock, at which time ten-minute speeches will be made. The final trials are scheduled for Saturday, February 17, in the New Lecture Hall at 7.30 o'clock. At this time the Coolidge Debating Prize of $100 will be awarded to the winning speaker. All members of the interclass debating teams are expected to enter these trials, which are open to all undergraduates.

Since only one Veteran remains from last year's teams, J. H. Spitz '17, there is a great opportunity open to all speakers. Five more regulars will be selected from the candidates, and as many alternates as seems desirable.

Last year the University lost to Princeton but won from Yale, Princeton winning the championship.
