

Radcliffe and University Singers to Stage Comic Opera.

Members of the Radcliffe Choral Society and the University Glee Club will present "Lolanthe," the well-known comic opera by Gilbert and Sullivan, at three performances to be given in the Agassiz Theatre, Radcliffe, during the next two days. The opening performance will be held tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, while the other two are scheduled for 2.30 and 8 P. M. respectively, on Saturday. The proceeds from the production of the opera will be turned over to the Radcliffe Choral Society to be used for a scholarship fund at Radcliffe. Three scholarships are given each year by the Choral Society from the money made on their annual productions. Each year members of the University take part in the plays presented.

In addition to the regular cast there will be a mixed chorus of 15 men and 20 girls, and also a troupe of 20 dancers. Miss Pauline Jones of Radcliffe has been the coach for the acting and dancing, and Dr. A. T. Davison '06, Professor in the Music Department and director of the University Chapel Choir, has been the instructor for the singing. Mrs. H. Gallison has been in charge of the direction and production of the opera.

Tickets for the performance are on sale at the Harvard Co-operative Branch Store, at Amee Brothers and at Herrick's in Boston, at prices of $2, $1.50 and $1.
