
Harvard, Technology and Yale.


As willing and ready as all of the colleges have been to give their services in the present crisis, it is not stretching the truth to say that three New England institutions, Harvard, Yale and Technology, have perhaps most enjoyed the confidence of the Federal authorities. Each of these colleges has rendered a distinct service of the first importance, Harvard with its infantry R. O. T. C., Yale with its artillery corps, the only one of its kind in the country, and Tech. with its innumerable Government schools offering all sorts of training. In addition the faculties of all three institutions have been drawn on for expert advice and services and their laboratories freely used.

Engaged in some form of war work are 235 members of the Harvard Faculty--a truly remarkable record when it is recalled that the number of professors and instructors on the University rolls is less than 1,000. In addition, Harvard has housed the radio school and its students, established a cadet school for ensigns, organized base hospital units and dental clinics, offered naval courses and instruction in military medicine, and trained men to be wireless operators and for service in the Quartermaster and Ordnance Corps.

The heavy decrease in enrollment which Harvard has undergone has been felt most in the College, in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, in the Law School and in the Graduate School of Business Administration. As was the case at Yale, the Medical School shows a slight increase in registration.

At Technology there are something like a dozen Government schools, each established to meet a distinct need. Included in the schedule of war work are the Army and Navy aviation schools, courses for naval architects, special French courses and special training for drafted men. Military training is required of all freshmen at the Institute, and the members of the other classes have also organized a battalion.

Yale has both military and naval training. There is a three-years' course to prepare men for the examinations for second lieutenants in the field artillery and a three-years' course to prepare men for the examinations for ensigns' commissions in the Navy. The university has in use this fall for the first time the Sprague Memorial Hall of the School of Music, the Brady Memorial Laboratory and the new artillery armory and stable. --Boston Transcript.
