
Joseph Pennell to Lecture Here

Mr. Joseph Pennell, well-known artist, illustrator and author, will give an illustrated lecture in the Lecture Room, Fogg Art Museum, at 4.30 o'clock Thursday afternoon. His subject has been announced as "The Wonder of War Work."

By his paintings and pencil illustrations Mr. Pennell has won distinction at home and abroad. He received the Grand Prix at the St. Louis Exposition, 1905; at Milan, 1906; at Barcelona, 1907; and at Brussels, 1910, in addition to numerous other honors conferred upon him in recognition of his artistic attainments. As a writer he is known chiefly by his articles contributed to a number of leading magazines.

Mr. Pennell will also lecture at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston on the same subject on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. About 40 of his latest lithographs are already on exhibition in that museum. Free tickets for the lecture may be obtained at the CRIMSON Building or form W. S. Burrage '18 at Holworthy 5.
