


The single point of a goal from touchdown determined the service championship game in the Stadium Saturday, the Newport Naval Reserves defeating the Boston Navy Yard 7 to 6. The teams were as evenly matched as the score indicates, and but for the failure of W. J. Murray '18 to kick a goal from touchdown from a difficult angle against a stiff wind, a tie score would have resulted. In spite of the severity of the weather, a crowd of 7,500 witnessed the game.

For the first two periods Coach Leary's team outplayed the Reservists and ended the half with a six-point lead. Black of the Newport team kicked off to E. L. Casey '19, who ran the ball back 20 yards. With a strong wind behind them, the Navy Yard started a kicking game, and Adams punted. Barrett, the Cornell star, returned the ball 37 yards from his 30-yard line, but the ball was soon lost when A. Horween '20 intercepted Gerrish's forward pass. Neither team could make decisive gains on line plays throughout the period. The value of Adams' long kicks with the wind, however, was largely nullified by Barrett's run backs.

Score After Long Forward.

In the second period the Boston eleven started the advance for their only score, when Murray hurled a beautiful 30-yard forward pass to Casey on the Newport 30-yard line. T. H. Enwright '18 on plunges through guard and tackle made first down, and Cannell skirted right end for 15 yards, being downed four yards from the goal line. Two plays later he went through left tackle for a touchdown. Murray failed to kick the goal.

Throughout the second half the powerful offensive of the Newport sailors enabled them to keep the ball in Bos- ton's territory. Near the end of the third period Adams' short kick left the ball on the 45-yard line. Barrett and Gerrish made first down through centre. On the next play Barrett threw a pretty forward pass to Green, who scored from the 20-yard mark. The former Cornellian then kicked the goal from touchdown, giving his team a one-point lead. During the rest of the game the Rhode Island eleven held the Navy Yard and broke up their open plays.


For the winning team the work of Barrett of Cornell and Gerrish of Dartmouth featured in the backfield. On the line Black and Callahan, both of Yale, and Schlachter, all-American tackle from Syracuse, were the strongest players. J. L. Bigelow '16 was the only University representative with the Reservists.

Former University players contributed largely to the strength of the Navy Yard eleven. Casey in the backfield played a fast game, while T. H. Enwright '18 was strong in the secondary defence. Murray at quarterback handled the team well. Horween and C. A. Clark, Jr., '19 played in the line.

The summary:

NAVY YARD  NAVAL RESERVESSkilton, l.e.  r.e., GreenO'Connor, l.t.  r.t., SchlachterClark, l.g.  r.g., GrotematHorween, c.  c., CallahanShea, r.g.  l.g., BlackAdams, r.t.  l.t., BigelowLally, r.e.  l.e., ElwoodMurray, q.b.  q.b., Barrett, HiteCannell, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Haas, BarrettCasey, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Sweetland, GardnerEnwright, f.b.  f.b., Gerris
