

Y. M. C. A. Worker Will Tell of New Conditions in Russia.

John R. Mott, LL.D., who served with Elihu Root on the recent United States Commission to Russia which was sent abroad by President Wilson when we entered the war, will speak before the University in the New Lecture Hall on Thursday, November 15, promptly at 6.45 o'clock, his subject being "War Conditions in Russia and Europe." He will also present the work of the Y. M. C. A. in the prisoners' retention camps and in the Y. M. C. A. army huts erected throughout the battle fronts of Europe.

Upon the occasion of this lecture, President Lowell will present Dr. Mott to the entire University, for whom the address is exclusively arranged. Admission will be by ticket only, and members of the Graduate Schools should call for their tickets Monday at Phillips Brooks House.

Dr. Mott has devoted his life to the Y. M. C. A. movement, and comes to the University a nationally and even internationally known figure in this field. In addition to holding positions such as chairman of the executive committee of the Student, Volunteer Movement, and general secretary of the international committee of the Y. M. C. A., Dr. Mott has gained the reputation of a brilliant speaker on war topics. He has recently addressed Boston audiences on subjects connected with his recent visit to Russia, and has consented to speak in Cambridge for the especial benefit of students in the University.
