
Pianoforte Concert Given Tonight

A concert for two pianofortes will be given under the auspices of the Division of Music of the University in the John Knowles Paine Concert Hall of the Music Building at 8.15 o'clock this evening. The music will be rendered by two pianists, Mr. Guy Maier and Mr. Lee Pattison, who will present the following program: Variations,  Von Wilm Gavotte and Musette,  Raff Piece in B minor,  Ropartz Scherzo, Opus 87,  Saint-Saens Symphonic poem, "The Spinning Wheel of Omphale,"  Saint-Saens Danse Populaire,  Gliere Chant Populaire,  Gliere Waltz from Suite, Opus 15,  Arensky Rhapsody, "Espana,"  Chabrier
