


At a meeting of the members of last year's University and Freshman hockey squads held in the H. A. A. last evening, it was the unanimous opinion that some sort of a single team for the three upper classes should be formed. This however, is not an official decision, but only the sentiment of the hockey players now in College. The Athletic Committee will meet this evening and will, in all probability, make the final decision.

It is expected now that if a single team is formed it will be similar to this fall's informal football team. Although neither Yale nor Princeton will have an upper-class seven, some intercollegiate games may be arranged with nearby institutions as well as with various military and naval teams. The men who attended last night's meeting were very much in favor of entering the Boston Amateur Hockey League, which contains such organizations as the B. A. A. and the Arena Club.

The other plan under consideration was that of intramural games, inter-battalion or inter-class. It had been thought that such a plan would give the best opportunity for exercise to the largest number of students, but the meeting last evening decided that either inter-battalion or inter-class games would be impracticable. There is not enough esprit de corps to warrant battalion athletics, and the classes of 1919 and 1920 are the only ones who could make up sevens. Accordingly, the meeting recommended that hockey for the students who are not experts should be played in the Leiter Cup series, as in former years. These series have been played every year by self-organized scrub teams, having such names as "Chuck-a-Pucks," "Hard-Boiled Eggs," etc.
