
Reserve Officers' Training Corps

Memorandum: Nov. 23, 1917.

The following extract from the orders of the Commanding Officer of the Reiew for Monday next is published for the information and guidance of all concerned:

"After passing in review, each company will, on reaching the fence projection from the grand stand, proceed at double time and on reaching a point about 15 paces beyond, will execute squads left. The double time will be continued until reaching the further end of the Stadium."   WM. F. FLYNN,   Major, U. S. A., Retd., Commanding.

General Orders No. 17:   Nov. 23, 1917

1. Paragraph B, Uniform Regulations, General Orders No. 11 are herewith modified so that uniforms are not compelled to be worn at classrooms, sections and lectures.   WM. F. FLYNN,   Major, U. S. A., Retd., Commanding.


Notice:   Nov. 23, 1917.

The regiment will form at 3 P. M. in the following manner:

1st and 2nd Battalions on Soldiers Field between the tennis courts and the fence bordering the Parkway.

The 3d Batialion will form on the Park way just outside the fence between the University boat house and the Anderson Bridge.  R. G. FULLER,  Captain, R. O. T. C., Regimental Adjutant.


MILITARY FRENCH.--Section lists will be posted at Headquarters on Monday, November 26. Students unassigned or those having conflicts should consult Professor Whittem, who may be found daily at 11.15 in University 19, or usually in the afternoon in Widener 172. Section meetings begin Monday, November 26th.


It is expected that it will be possible to issue uniforms tomorrow evening to those men not yet equipped. Men without uniforms should report at 6.30. All supply sergeants will report at the same time, or detail a substitute
