

For First Time Since 1906 Two Rivals Meet on Gridiron.

The most important college football game of the present season in New England takes place this afternoon at Braves Field between Brown and Dartmouth. These rivals, who have not met in football since 1906, have planned their seasons with this game in view.

Although both teams have been beaten badly in their preliminary games, Brown by the Newport Naval Reserves and Dartmouth by Tufts, the interest in today's encounter has not been lessened. This year has been an off season for both elevens.

Brown is slightly heavier than the Hanover team, especially in the backfield, where the latter team has an exceptionally light combination.

Both teams are to display service flags before the game this afternoon. The Dartmouth service flag will show 47 stars, indicating that of the 1916 football squad 47 men are now in the National service, while the Brown flag will have 39 stars for football players now in the Army or Navy.
