

Harvard must throw its united effort into the windup of the Red Triangle Fund. The campaign ends tonight, and we are $6,000 short of our goal. The committee on subscriptions will make a great effort to visit every man before tonight. There should be as many subscriptions as there are members of the University. If anyone is not personally solicited for his subscription he may leave it at Phillips Brooks House any time today.

There has been much splendid giving so far in the Campaign. We must not let the finale lag. Every contribution, large or small, will help Harvard reach its goal, but we need especially to think in large amounts. The cause is a splendid one, second only in importance to that of the Government bond issues. The University subscribed generously to the two Liberty Loans; why not give the bonds now to the Y. M. C. A. Hut Fund, and so make the sacrifice a genuine one? Whether you receive a liberal allowance from home or are earning every penny of your money; whether you have Liberty Bonds or not, get behind the Red Triangle. Boost Harvard's contribution well over the top!
