

Yesterday morning we were suddenly informed that Henry Ford was to cease manufacturing a pleasure car. He had decided to turn out nothing but trucks, ambulances, tanks and other commercial cars. In fact, he wanted to help win the War.

Upon considering the matter we are somewhat in doubt just which model Mr. Ford considers his pleasure car. The undergraduate body is bewildered; some of us never knew that the notorious "flivver" ever went under the incognito name of a pleasure car. It is baffling in the extreme. Ford owners deny that their car belongs to the class of pleasure vehicles; they admit that they have had service from the automobile, but never enjoyment. In short the consensus of opinion is that the Ford is not a pleasure car. Yet this afternoon an extra came out announcing that the Ford Company was going to build a pleasure car in spite of the reports to the contrary. In other words the new Ford will be a joy and blessing to its owner. The War brings blessings after all!
