
Reserve Officers' Training Corps


Military Science I.

Assignments, October 8-20.

2d Drill, October 8, 9.--Review of the preceding assignment. Also, I. D. R., Sections 14-16, 106-108, 118-120, 122, 178, 183.

3d Drill, October 10,11.--Review. Also, I. D. R., Sections 72, 116, 117, 121, 180, 181, 185.


2d Class, October 15, 16.--The sections covered in the 2d and 3d drills. Also, I. D. R., Sections 37-40, 101-5.

4th Drill, October 15, 16.--Manual of Arms, I. D. R., Sections 74-100, excepting 95-97.

5th Drill, October 17, 18.--Review. Also, I. D. R., Sections 63, 64, 66, 67, 71-3. P. W. LONG, Aid for Assignments.


Military Science. I.

Lists of sections meeting on Monday are posted at University 1. Lists of Tuesday sections will be posted late this afternoon. No transfers from one day to the other have been made except where requested.


Companies A and B will draw uniforms today between 2 and 4 o'clock. Uniforms will be issued to companies at the same hours every day this week as follows: Tuesday, C. and D; Wednesday, E and F; Thursday, G and H; Friday, I and K; Saturday, L and M.

Supply Sergeants of the first and second battalions will report at the Supply Room at 1.30.

