

Once-more Senator LaFollette comes to the fore, this time in a speech in which he attempts to explain his position on the question of the war. Certainly, in the minds of most Americans, his position needs a lot of explaining. Since the declaration of war last April he has consistently opposed every act and bill in Congress which would have assisted the country to wage this war. The fact that he has been able, in advance, to take the opposite side on every question and proposal brought before Congress shows that he is the proud possessor of a mind of unusual perspicacity. Ordinary humans, trying to do the same thing would inevitable make a mistake sometimes and find themselves on the same side with other people, if they were forced to show their hand first. Not so the senator. For years he has never even been in doubt as to which side to take, in order to oppose everyone else. Probably by this time it has become second nature to him, and he can do it now without thinking. This is certainly a great accomplishment.

It is clear by now that the Senator is no ordinary man. It is nearly time for him to take the stand of "me and Gott." After he has reached this stage he will be in a position to claim blood relationship with the Kaiser. That no doubt is the height of his ambition, and we poor ordinary humans, mere citizens of the United States, may have to bear with him until he has reached his pinnacle. But we hope not.
