
Berry President of Musical Clubs

At a recent meeting of the Musical Clubs John King Berry, Jr., '18, of Providence, R. I., was elected President, and Benjamin Franklin Dunkin Adams '19, of Boston, Vice-President, for the coming year.

Trials for the Instrumental Clubs will be held in Randolph 3, tomorrow and Wednesday evenings at 7 o'clock. Each candidate is required to bring a selection to play, memorized if possible. Ability to play two instruments, although desirable, is not required. Glee Club candidates will report to Dr. Davison in the Glee Club room of the Music Building on Tuesday or Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. "Funny men" are also wanted, who can present a dialogue; they should report at the same time.

Candidates for second assistant managership of the Clubs will report in Randolph 3 at 8 this evening, and should be from the class of 1920.
