

(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Once again Columbia comes before the world in an unenviable light. In this morning's paper we read of the expulsion of Professors Cattell and Dana from that university for holding pacifist views (oh, la belle raison!). Some of us still hold to the belief (is it so unreasonable?) that a professor dissenting from the majority opinion respecting the governmental war policy is not thereby disqualified from teaching psychology or comparative literature. The Columbia Faculty, however, take the opposite view and apparently agree with the Imperial German Government that political orthodoxy is the test of intellectual capacity. Indeed one might say that if this affair at Columbia has any value at all, it is to reveal the similarity of ideals and methods between those who shout loudest for the stars and stripes and those whose allegiance is to the Prussian Eagle. ARTHUR K. McCOMB.
