

Advanced Runners Sent Four Miles Around Soldiers' Field.

As a result of the canvassing of the Freshman dormitories by Juniors and Sophomores Monday night, the Freshman track squad of Monday was doubled yesterday when twenty members of 1921 reported for preliminary cross-country work. The University squad increased in size to nearly twenty making a total number of 40 runners reporting to Coach Farrell in addition to a few weight men. The candidates who had been out before were sent for three fairly brisk laps on the cinder track and then four miles at slower rate around the Soldiers' Field fence. All the new men merely jogged a short distance around the Field.

On Thursday afternoon the cross-country runners will go to Belmont for the first time, and there will walk over the Freshman and University courses which were used last year in the meet with Yale. It is important for all new candidates to come out before then, if possible, in order that they may have a good knowledge of the course. Many more candidates are needed to equal the squads of former years and to furnish the competition necessary for a strong team. Starting today practice will be held at 3 o'clock daily.
