
Reserve Officers' Training Corps


There will be an extra drill Saturday, October 20, 1917, 1:30 to 3:00 p. m. at the Stadium. A battalion inspection for all three battalions.

All men who are out for rowing or who take Physics C and find conflicts with their drill hours must apply at once to the Sergeant-major for transfers into other companies whose hours do not conflict. R. G. FULLER,   Captain, R. O. T. C.   Regimental Adjutant.

The following assignments have been made effective as of this date:

To Company A: John Albright, Jr.


To Company B: Egbert Womack.

To Company D: Lawrence L. Tear, Paul A. Schwartz.

To Company E: Fernand Sarti.

To Company F: Michael Ettelson.

To Company G: Homer D. Lindgreen.

To Company H: Benjamin Yarner.

To Company K: Y. C. Wen, H. H. Chase.

To Company M: S. Stevens.

The following transfers are effective as of this date:

Arthur Quint from Company H to Company E; G. Wrenn from Company M to Company K; R. L. Lowrie, from Company F to Company I; L. F. Ranlette from Company K to Company M.

General Order No. 6.

The following appointments of officers and non-commissioned officers are made, effective this date and to terminate November 5th:

Company B.

1st Lieut., F. H. Fisher.

2nd Lieut., W. W. Johnson.

Corp., G. W. Daly.

Corp., T. H. Gammack.

Corp., E. A. Hill.

Corp., F. C. Packard.

They will be obeyed and respected accordingly.   WM. F. FLYNN,   Major, U. S. Army, Commanding.
