


A meeting of the tactical instructors of the R. O. T. C. was held yesterday afternoon at which several important matters were considered. Plans were made for equipping the R. O. T. C. completely before the time of Secretary Baker's arrival, a week from Thursday, and orders were given yesterday for 300 new uniforms which, it is expected, will be ready by the 24th. The military organizations at Framingham have requested the University military authorities to detail several men each day for duty as instructors at that camp, and this suggestion was also discussed. It is probable that it will be complied with.

In order that the Corps may be in the best possible shape by the 25th, it was decided that there will be regimental drill and an inspection under arms on Soldiers Field Saturday afternoon, October 20. Companies will form at 1.30 and from that time until 3 o'clock there will be a thorough examination of all arms and equipment. The men will be dismissed promptly, since the football game between the Informals and the team of the 1st Maine Heavy Artillery is scheduled for 3 o'clock.

On Friday afternoon, there will be an exercise at Fresh Pond under the direction of Lieutenant Morize, in which only cadets taking Military Science 2 will take part. It is expected that when Mr. Baker comes here, he will not only review the Corps in a formal parade, but will witness a maneuver at Fresh Pond similar to those held last year by the 1917 Corps.

Captain W. S. Overton, who for a short time last summer acted as commandant of the R. O. T. C., was in Cambridge yesterday. He is now in charge of the Yale R. O. T. C. and has been a strong advo- cate of the continuance of athletics as a supplement to military training. Captain Dupont, one of the six original members of the French Military Mission, is working in conjunction with him in New Haven.

After a half hour of drill yesterday, the companies of the Third Battalion were marched to the Armory where the KragJorgensens were issued to them. The First and Second Battalions will draw their arms this morning in a similar manner, companies A, B, C, and D being supplied at 7.30 o'clock, and the others at 8 o'clock. Until further orders the men will leave the cosmoline in the barrels of the pieces, but will carefully clean all other parts
