

Inter-Battalion Games in Association Football Planned.

In response to numerous inquiries concerning soccer, a meeting of all those interested in the formation of soccer teams, both University and Freshman, is to be held in the track room of the Locker Building, Monday afternoon at three o'clock. Men are to report dressed to play.

If sufficient interest is shown a squad will be formed, and a regular schedule of games with nearby teams secured. At present it is planned to have the Freshmen coached by upperclassmen. Inter-battalion soccer is also considered as a possibility during the rest of the season. It is felt that this is the only minor sport that can be sufficiently organized among the battalions this fall because of the late date at which the permanent composition of the battalions will be settled. A round robin tournament for the military teams will be held to determine the championship of the regiment.

With every facility of Soldiers' Field at the disposal of the men, nearly as large a number of candidates as reported last year is expected at the initial meeting.
