


The question of the eligibility for the informal University football team of W. B. Snow '18, captain of the team, F. C. Church '20, and R. G. Stone '20, who last week received appointments to the Cadet School for Ensigns, has been settled by the announcement that these men can now play on the team provided no opponents object to their presence in the game. While these men are not technically members of the University, the fact that the informal team is not a representative University team and that on its schedule there are games solely with military and naval organizations, has enabled them to remain eligible. If intercollegiate contests or championship games were to be played, these men would lose their eligibility for the team with their departure from the University. It has been found more desirable, however, not only for the informal team, but also for their opponents that Snow, Church, and Stone be allowed to continue on the team. One of the future opponents has even requested that they play in their particular game, if in no other.

This announcement brings back to the team three of the best players of the Dean game, Snow, the mainstay of the line, Church, the best ground gainer among the backs, and Stone, an effective end. Practically all hope that these men would return to the line-up had been given up, and many combinations had been tried in an effort to minimize the loss. With their eligibility decided there is still some doubt whether Stone and Church will play on Saturday. Snow, however, will certainly be in the lineup. The perfection of plays, and the trying out of new formations occupied the informal team until dark yesterday. No scrimmage was held as several of the men were lame from the long workout against the Freshmen on the previous day. This afternoon, however, scrimmage will be resumed again with the 1921 squad so that the informals' plays may receive actual trial before the game Saturday with the Bumpkin Island Naval Reserves.

"Offensive week" as Coach Wallace calls it, was continued with another stiff scrimmage for the 1921 squad
