
Reserve Officers' Training Corps

The following assignments have been made effective as of this date. October 10, 1917.

To Company A: C. J. Coulter, H. E. Kimball, A. J. LaFlamme, F. C. Montiagudo, A. A. Rafferty, M. DeW. Welch.

To Company B: W. D. Martin.

To Company C. J. H. C. Smith.

To Company D: F. J. Sweeny.


To Company G: H. S. Maraniss, B. C. Sculley.

To Company H: J. B. Mahoney.

To Company I: I. L. Goldings.

To Company K: H. W. Lark, A. W. Marget, O. Stegemann.

To Company L: E. K. Greene, J. B. Hubbard.

To Company M: T. R. Allen, R. Keegan.   October 10, 1917.


Men living out of town may wear uniforms going to and from home.   October 10, 1917.


Owing to necessary delay in the issuing of rifles, Drills 4 and 5 will be interchanged.   October 11, 1917.


The regular drill for Military Science II only will be held this afternoon from 4.30 to 5.30 in the Stadium. In case of rain drill will be held under the Stadium.

There will be a meeting of the 1st sergeants today at 1 P. M. at Military Headquarters.
