

500 Protest Resignation of Professor at Great Demonstration.

NEW YORK, N. Y., October 10, 1917.--Five hundred Columbia students met at 11 o'clock today, on the library steps, following an announcement that a protest would be made against the Trustees in expelling Professors Dana and Cattell and causing Professor Beard's resignation. The meeting was addressed by former instructor Durant of the Philosophy Department who said in pant: "Professor Beard has offered his life and career as a sacrifice to the freedom of speech." Several students also spoke, one saying the meeting was not in the best interests of Columbia. A Freshman struck the true spirit of the occasion when he said that the students had met to protest against the action of the Trustees, and that the affair was purely an academic matter. Proposals for framing resolutions to be sent to the Trustees and President Butler were read. Cheers were given for the professors who either have been dismissed or have resigned. A student mass meeting for Friday noon was planned.

With the Senior vice-president as chairman, leaders from each class have planned that at Friday's meeting an orderly protest shall be made that Trustees confine their activities to administrative and financial work, that no professors be dismissed without the consent of the particular faculty, and that Professor Beard's resignation be refused.
