
Collection Gains Nearly $1000

Since the last figures were printed in the CRIMSON, a gain of neary $1,000 has been made in the Phillips Brooks House collection. Full reports were not available last night, as the canvassers of Team 1 had not turned in their collections, but Teams 2 and 3 had collected a total of $2,316.50 or about $50 more than the sum gathered by all three teams when the last reports were turned in a week ago. It is expected that with the addition of the other team's collection, this gain will be increased to at least $1,000.

Last evening's figures show that Team 2, R. E. Gross '19, captain, is leading by a slight margin with $1,169.50. Team 3, G. A. Brownell '19, captain, is second with $1,147. The highest individual collector from Team 2 is D. C. Hawkins '20, who has reached $275.
