
Tech. Alumni Reunion Saturday

More than 300 Technology alumni from all parts of the United States were present at the banquet of the Alumni Association of the Institute at the Hotel Somerset on Saturday evening. Technology's duty to the government by assisting it through the National Council of Research and the Council for Defence was the keynote of the speaking.

Charles A. Stone, Technology 1888, retiring president of the Association, emphasized the fact that it is the technically trained men who are fighting the battles abroad today; who will direct the reconstruction after the conflict, and who will be needed to prepare this country for the altered industrial conditions after the war.

Willis R. Whitney, of the class of 1890, director of the laboratory of the General Electric Company, and a member of the United States Naval Consulting Board, spoke on "Preparedness." Following this came President Maclaurin's address, which was devoted largely to the financial history of the present plant.

Raymond B. Price, of the Class of 1894, spoke of the fierce competition for industrial supremacy which the United States must meet after the war.
