

The appointment of Professor Taussig to the new Tariff Board marks a noteworthy advance in American governmental administration of which every American should be proud. Professor Taussig has earned his place at the head of this country's economists largely through his brilliant and thorough investigations of tariff problems, and will now be enabled to use his knowledge in the most direct and practical manner. The value of his services cannot be easily appreciated by anyone who has not read one of his keen and impartial works dealing with the tariff.

Much has been written and said attacking democracy because of its inefficiency. While this unfortunate quality can never be entirely eradicated from democratic systems, yet the calling into service of real experts should so diminish it as to make this fault negligible. The Naval Advisory Board is accomplishing what a body of mere seamen cannot do, for such men as Edison in dealing with perplexing questions have a breadth of vision which no admiral could ever possess.

Professor Taussig is the type of man which America needs to consult. He has become a veritable general of our economists, and those of us who have been in his courses will not soon forget his power and magnetism as a lecturer. The fact that he will have less time to give to his University duties is regretted by all, but this is fully compensated for by the pride that Harvard feels in once more giving to the nation the best she has.

Professor Taussig's appointment is an honor for himself, a distinction for the University, and a service to the nation.
