

Junior Smoker Held in Union Last Night To Arouse Interest in Senior Dormitories.

"Rooming in the Yard in the Senior year is now a tradition and a good one, and makes for class solidarity," said Assistant Dean Mayo, addressing the Class of 1918 at their smoker in the Union last night. "About 20 years ago there was an exodus from the Yard because of the antiquated lighting and poor plumbing of the dormitories; but these defects have now been overcome so that about ten years ago the movement for the Senior Class to repopulate the buildings began. This movement has steadily spread, increasing to a great degree the unity of each class during its last year in college, 1918 already has a head start on class solidarity obtained in the Freshman dormitories and should take advantage of this lead by entering the Senior dormitories as a whole."

J. M. Franklin '18, president of the class, spoke of the renewal of neglected friendships as the most important consideration from the undergraduate's point of view.

The 1918 Senior dormitory committee will hold an extra office hour this morning in Phillips Brooks House from 11 to 1 o'clock. The committee has decided upon this further hour in order to make up for the unavoidable delay due to the late printing of the applications. Postal cards have been sent to all members of the Class of 1918 requesting them to state whether or not they intend to live in the Yard next year. Juniors and all men whose last year in College will be 1917-18 should at once from groups of not more than 12 men. The larger groups will be given the preference in the allotment of rooms, which will be done by lot.

The application blanks which may be obtained at Leavitt and Peirce's, the Union, and Phillips Brooks House allow 24 preferences as to the dormitory, entry, floor and number of rooms desired by the applicants. Pamphlets containing the floor plans and prices of the Senior dormitories have been published by the University. The following rooms will be unavailable for students next year: Hollis 11, 13, 15; Holworthy 11; Thayer 5, 21, 23, 30, 53; and Matthews 40.
