


Today is the last day for Juniors to hand in their applications for rooms in the Senior dormitories. The 1918 Senior Dormitory Committee will hold its last regular office hours in Phillips Brooks House today from 4 to 6 o'clock, and any desired information regarding the dormitories may be obtained between those hours. Blank applications may be procured at Leavitt and Peirce's and the Union, as well as from the committee. Any men who are unable to see the committee during it regular office hours may get information about the dormitories from H. Robb '18, Claverly 19. Men who need any information on the subject should try to see the committee promptly at 4 o'clock in order to allow time for explanations and arrangements.

Juniors and men whose final year in College will be 1917-18 are eligible to room in the five Senior dormitories: Hollis, Holworthy, Matthews, Stoughton and Thayer, and a large proportion of every Senior class has lived in the Yard during its final year since the tradition was established by the Class of 1909. Those who have not yet submitted their applications should do so as early as possible today in order to prevent confusion during the last part of the committee's final session. No applications will be received after 6 o'clock.

In the assignments, 24 choices as to dormitories are given and preference will be given to groups of 12 men, which are the largest that can be accommodated. Other groups will be considered in the order of their sizes. Men who have no room-mates at present or are intending to room alone will be placed with others to make groups of 12, and the committee endeavors to place these men on the same floor with congenial persons. Catalogues, containing descriptions of the dormitories with price lists of rooms may be secured at the Bursar's Office or from the committee in Phillips Brooks House. The final assignment of rooms will be made by lot as soon as possible after the last application is received, and the lots will be drawn by R. Harte '17, first marshal of the present Senior Class.
