

Legore, Rhett and Pumpelly Eligible and Should Strengthen Yale Team.

Yale's early season expectations for a winning baseball nine have often been completely eclipsed during the past fifteen years when the men have taken to the field, or toward the middle of the season, when there has been a reversal of form or when the team has been hopelessly crippled as last year by some eligibility ruling such as the now famous Quogue incident which barred Legore, Rhett, Captain Milburn and Pumpelly from the game. This season, however, the prospects appear to be of a more substantial character, and it is the general opinion among college baseball experts that the building up process already begun by Captain Legore will result in the best team Yale has had in many years. There is an abundance of fine material left over from last year's nine and several players of distinct university calibre from last year's freshman team.

The entire infield of the 1916 team, as well as the first string battery and one member of the outfield which played against the University are in college this year, Captain Vaughn and Early being the only members of last year's nine to have graduated. With such a nucleus to work with, Coach Lauder should find no trouble in satisfying the wishes of Yale baseball fans. Last year he took hold and developed a near-winner from some very meagre material. This year his chances for complete success are ten-fold greater.

Of the four players who were disqualified last year in the Quogue incident, three are now in college and are therefore eligible for this year's team. Legore, who has the reputation of being one of the best shortstops that Yale has ever had, will be the mainstay of the nine, and Pumpelly in the box, like Rhett in the outfield, will strengthen the team materially.

From last year's lineup there is Garfield in the box; Munson behind the plate; Bush at first; Snell at second; Johnson at shortstop; Kinney at third, and Shepley in the outfield. Unless Legore can make good at third, which was a weak place in the team last year, Johnson will probably be moved there from shortstop, since he can play the third base position almost as well as his regular place. If Legore doesn't play at third he will of course take back his regular position at shortstop. Kinney played a fairly good game last year and won his position at third base after a keen competition, but he cannot play the finished game that either of his rivals for the position can produce and he is a weak hitter. Johnson hits fairly well and is an excellent fielder. It is expected that he will be better this year than last. First base will be wisely entrusted to Bush, who is sure to pleace Coach Lauder if he can regain his batting eye. He batted well two years ago but last year he slumped, and it is expected that this year will be a good one for him again. Snell is considered good enough at second to hold the position this year, and Garfield and Munson, Captain Milburn's battery, are expected to prove a winning combination.
