

College Men in Business.

Several large business concerns in the West have made patient and intelligent trials with college men in business, and the results as a whole speak well for the college students. Of course, individuality is the prime factor in any man's success or failure, whether he has education or lacks it, but on anything like an even chance and opportunity it was generally found that the college boy caught on more quickly and progressed faster than the boy lacking college education and training. He grasped problems and situations more readily and saw their possibilities more thoroughly, because he had become accustomed at college to analyze facts and discover their meaning.

It depended a good deal upon the nature and character of his associations at college as to how far he progressed and the extent to which he could shoulder responsibility, especially where it became a matter of mixing with older, experienced business men and holding his own both in social and diplomatic ways. His principal weakness seemed to be a disinclination to endure drudgery patiently for a long time and an apparent desire to advance faster than circumstances often seemed to warrant. Other than this he was apt on the whole to develop into a more capable, intelligent, and efficient man than the boy who lacked a college education. New York Times.
