

The beginning of every scholastic year necessarily presents to the undergraduates changes and vacancies in the personnel of the faculty. The recent death of Professor Josiah Royce of the Philosophy Department has created a vacancy which, unlike some, it will be impossible to fill. It is with a feeling of intense sorrow that both professors and students mourn the loss of a scholar whose mind was so constructive, so keen in the search for philosophic and religious truths. During his twenty-four years as a member of the Philosophy Department Professor Royce's idealistic theories gained world-wide fame, particularly for their tolerance of modern science and its discoveries, instead of the usual and widely prevalent antagonism.

The men in college who failed to come in contact with the philosophic thought of Professor Royce in the past can only regret their loss, while those more fortunate will look back with an increased feeling of appreciation, and will doubly treasure the inspiration which they gained, knowng that the source no longer exists..
