
Technology Opposes Wrestlers

The University wrestling team will meet the Technology team in the latter's gymnasium on Garrison street tonight at 8 o'clock. Owing to an attack of the Grippe, Captain A. J. Weatherhead ocC. will probably be unable to wrestle for the University in the 175-pound class.

The following men are entered in the seven classes: F. H. Dewart '17 vs. Captain P. T. Loo (115 pounds); E. L. Davidson '17 vs. G. H. Stebbins (125 pounds); R. B. Miller '18 vs. L. A. Hoffman (135 pounds); H. B. Hull '16 vs. H. G. Morse (145 pounds); R. C. Cooke '18 vs. H. L. Wirt (158 pounds); Captain A. J. Weatherhead ocC. vs. J. M. Todd (175 pounds); and W. B. Snow '18 vs. E. L. Fache (heavyweight).
