

Phillips Brooks House Needs Men for Settlement Work.

The attention of undergraduates and especially of Freshmen is called to the many opportunities for social service work which are available at Phillips Brooks House. The University has for many years led all the Eastern colleges in the number of students actively engaged in community service and last year over 300 men participated in this field. Calls are coming in daily for leaders of boy's clubs, teachers of classes, boy scout leaders, and coaches of debating, glee, and dramatic clubs. The work demands a very small part of the students time; and the return to the undergraduate more than makes up for the time and effort involved.

The Social Service Secretary will be glad to meet everyone who is at all interested in the work and will be at Phillips Brooks House Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8 to 9 and from 10 to 11 o'clock, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 to 11 o'clock.

The social service work this year is in charge of the following committee: chairman, W. Willcox '17; secretary, W. I. Tibbetts '17; superintendents; for districts--C. C. Lund '16, R. R. Brown '17, W. T. Barker '17, G. C. Caner '17, L. A. Morgan '17, J. L. Lathrop '18; Associated Charities--J. C. White '17; Juvenile Court--A. G. Paine '17; Home Libraries--W. D. Kelley, III, '17; Cambridge Y. M. C. A.--F. Knoblock '19; Prospect Union--J. Coggeshall '18; Deputations--K. Bromley '16; Clothing Collection--H. L. Nash '16; Entertainments--Chairman--G. P. Slade '17, S. M. Foster '16, G. B. Blaine '17, C. H. Hodges '17, R. Bridgman '18.
