

Ready to Assist all Students of That Department in Making out List of Studies.

All students under the Faculty of Arts and Sciences may obtain information concerning courses in the Divisions and Departments of study named below today from the following instructors who will be present in the rooms indicated from 9 to 12.30 o'clock, and from 2.30 to 4.30 o'clock.

Ancient Languages, Prof. Gulick. A. M., Widener D; P. M., 59 Fayerweather St.

Anthropology, Prof. Dixon. A. M., Emerson H; P. M., Peabody Museum.

Biology, Prof. Osterhout. A. M., Bot. Mus. rm. 10.

Botany, Prof. Fernald. A. M., Bot. Mus. rm. 10; P. M., Gray Herbarium.


Chemistry, Prof. Baxter. A. M., Coolidge Lab. 8; P. M., Coolidge Lab. 8.

Comparative Literature, Prof. Schofield. A. M., Warren House; P. M., Grays 38.

Economics, Prof. Bullock. A. M., Lower Reading Rm.; P. M., Upper Dane.

Education, Prof. Holmes. A. M., Lawrence 5; P. M., Lawrence 5.

Engineering Sciences, Prof. Hughes. A. M., Pierce 114; P. M., Pierce 114.

English, *Prof. F. N. Robinson. A. M., Warren House; P. M., Longfellow Park.

The Fine Arts, Prof. Chase. A. M., Sever 25; P. M., Sever 25.

French and Other Romance Languages and Literatures, Prof. J. D. M. Ford. A. M., Upper Warren; P. M., Upper Warren.

Geology, Prof. Wolff. A. M., Geol. Mus. 22; P. M., Geol. Mus. 22.

Geology and Geography, Prof. Daly. A. M., Geol. Mus. 15; P. M. 23 Hawthorn St.
