

Regular Practice Begun for University and Freshman Squads.

About thirty-five men reported for the Freshman and University cross-country teams yesterday afternoon. After Coach Shrubb's talk in the Locker Building, in which he outlined the work for the coming season, the squad went out for a run around Soldiers Field. Daily morning walks will start today at 7.45 o'clock, and the training table will begin next week.

Both University and Freshman squads will run this afternoon, and every day until further notice, at 3 o'clock. The work will be comparatively easy during this week of preliminary practice. The number of men reporting yesterday is smaller than usual, and another call for candidates is issued today. The Freshman runners are particularly scarce, and there are excellent opportunities for places on both teams. W. W. Kent '16, a member of the University track team, is helping Coach Shrubb in training the Freshmen.

Candidates for the University and Freshman track teams should report at the Locker Building this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Coaches Donovan and E. H. Clark '96 will be in charge and training in both field and track events will begin at once under their direction. All men of track aspirations, whether they have had any previous experience or not, are requested to report today and get the advantage of early preliminary practice. A Freshman inter dormitory track meet will be arranged shortly after the season starts.

The annual pre-season track meeting for everyone interested in University or Freshman track athletics will be held in the Trophy Room of the Union Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. All members of the University who intend to take part in any department of track athletics should attend this first meeting, when the fall program will be outlined. N. W. Bingham '95, W. A. Barron, Jr., '14, captain of the 1914 team, and Alfred Shrubb, coach of the cross-country teams will be the speakers.
