

Players are to Specialize in Various Branches of Kicking During the Summer.

The University football squad will commence practice next fall on Monday, September 13, just two weeks before the opening of College, when all candidates will be expected to appear in Cambridge. At that time regular training for the team will commence, though candidates are expected to keep in good condition through the summer.

Footballs have been given to the various men to use during the vacation, and with them have been given special instructions. In this way it is hoped to develop the men in their most effective departments of kicking.

W. F. Robinson '18, J. A. Doherty '16, and G. A. McKinlock '16 are among the more reliable drop-kickers who should specialize in this department.

Others who will give special attention to drop-kicking include: T. H. Enwright '18, C. C. Felton '16, R. S. C. King '16, H. W. Minot '17, W. J. Murray '18, W. Rollins '16, D. C. Watson '16, and W. Whitney '16.

Most of the above, as well as J. C. Harris '17 and R. Horween '18 will do punting also. In the latter field, T. H. Enwright '18, C. C. Felton '16, and W. Whitney '16 are expected to back up Captain Mahan.


The place-kickers are: R. C. Curtis '16, J. C. Harris '16, J. M. Franklin '18, D. P. Morgan '16, E. W. Soucy '16, Moseley Taylor '18, and J. L. Bigelow '16.
