

Has Downed Cornell and Annapolis in Early-Season Races.--Seconds Unknown Quantity.

The University crew enters the Yale regataa this year with one of the best early-season records in its history. Of the men who rowed in the University eight against Yale last spring, Captain Q. Reynolds, W. T. Gardiner and L. S. Chanler, Jr., were lost by graduation, and Captain L. Saltonstall and L. Curtis of the Henley eight also graduated. The withdrawal of C. E. Schall '16, on account of ill-health, left a nucleus of twelve "H" men around which to build a strong combination; besides the veterans of last year's Yale race, six oarsmen and the coxswain of the victorious Henley crew were available.

For the fall season the first two eights were made up as evenly as possible, in order to give all the available men a chance to show their worth. Crews A and B practiced for about a month, and wound up their fall work with a mile and seven-eighths race in connection with the regular fall regatta on October 29. Crew B won by a very scanty lead.

Voluntary practice on the machines started immediately after the Christmas recess. About 100 men reported when the regular work of the year began, on February 15. Only two University crews were available, the rest being divided into class crews. This plan of development has proved very successful.

Crew on River Early in Season.

The University crew was able to get out on the river on February 16, setting a new record for an early-season start. The advantage of the greater opportunity for open-water work is apparent, for the crew is much further developed than is usual even at this time. Another fact affecting the smoothness of the eight is that for some time past the order has been practically unchanged.


The first race of the season was against Annapolis on the Severn during the April recess. The University won a rather easy victory in the fairly slow time of 6 minutes, 53 seconds for the Henley distance, crossing the line about three lengths ahead of the Navy boat. Between this race and the Cornell contest, much time was given to preparing for the latter event, although the New London regatta was always kept in mind as the real end of the season.

First Harvard Victory on Cayuga.

On May 22 the University defeated Cornell on Lake Cayuga for the first time since rowing relations were resumed in 1905. Only one other victory in the dual series has been won by Harvard since then, and that was on the Charles River in 1908. The first boat covered the Cayuga two-mile course in 10 minutes, 41 2-5 seconds, leading Cornell by three-quarters of a length. The University oarsmen showed great power and excellent oarsmanship in this race, and were clearly superior to their opponents.

After a short period of training at Cambridge, all of the crews went to Red Top on June 7. Since then they have been devoting their time to finishing touches and time trials over the course. At present the boat is well together, and the strong catch and hard finish are reminiscent of many winning University eights.

Seconds Poorer Than Henley Eight.

The second crew this year is not up to the standard of last year's Henley eight. The seconds have had but one race, fin- ishing after the Pennsylvania seconds in the race for junior collegiate eights at the American Henley, Philadelphia, on the same day that the University beat Cornell. The Princeton seconds came in third at Philadelphia. Since that time the University boat has improved, but the recent loss of E. W. Soucy '16 who was captaining the crew has been seriously felt. The make-up of the boat has been quite uncertain during a great part of the season, so that the men are not so well together as are the University oars. H. S. Middendorf '16, number 6, was out of the boat for some time last week on account of boils, but is now in place again. The men may show great form and stamina in the regatta on Friday, but they are at present more or less of an unknown quantity.Cox., McLane; Stroke, Morse; 7, Wilman; 6, Meyer; 5, Sturtevant (captain); 4, Sheldon; 3 Low; 2, Bennitt; bow, Coe. THE YALE FIRST CREW PRACTISING ON THE THAMES.
