

Henley Signal System and Elaborately Planned Programs Arranged for Spectators.

The first half of the events in the Invitation Regatta will be rowed on the Charles River this afternoon beginning at 2 o'clock. It is a new undertaking which has been formulated to give the class and club crews an ending worthy of their work this year. A number of outside races are also scheduled and will provide an interesting variety. The races will be held in rapid succession, and will thus assure a freedom from the usual tedious waiting.

Programs will be on sale giving a key to all the men and also the boats occupying each course. The men have numbers on their backs whereby their identity can be discovered by reference to the program, but those on the bow oarsmen indicate the crew on which they are rowing. The Henley signal system will be used, and flags showing the winners are to be carried on the judges boats.

Thirteen events will be rowed off, including five events for eights, two for fours, and seven singles races The winners in each race will receive medals.

The complete schedule for the afternoon will be as follows:

Program of Today's Events.


2.00.--Second school fours.

2.05.--First heat junior singles.

2.30.--Second dormitory eights.

2.35.--Second heat junior singles.

3.00.--Law School vs. Medical School.

3.05.--Third heat junior singles.

3.30.--First dormitory eights.

3.35.--First heat, comp. class.

4.00.--Senior eights.

4.05.--Second heat, comp. class.

4.30.--First school fours.

4.35.--Carroll cup race.

5.00.--Club crews.

6.30.--Reception and supper at Union Boat Club
