
Tennis Team in Two Matches

The members of the University tennis team left last night for Philadelphia where they will meet the strong Pennsylvania team in a six-man match this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. They will arrive in Philadelphia this morning at 10.10 o'clock, and will go immediately to the Philadelphia Cricket Club for a short work-out on their courts before lunch. The players have been practising hard this week and appear to be rid of the slump which they experienced in the Cornell match last Saturday.

The team will leave for Princeton after the match where they will meet the Princeton players tomorrow afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. The team will play both matches in the regular order which is as follows: Captain R. N. Williams, 2d, '16, G. C. Caner '17, W. Rand, 3d, '17, L. Curtis, 2d, '16, W. W. Mansfield, Jr., '15, and J. S. Brown, Jr., '17.
