

1918 Track Men to Hold Interdormitory Contest on Soldiers Field This Afternoon.

The Freshman interdormitory track meet between Gore, Smith, and Standish halls will be held on Soldiers Field at 4 o'clock this afternoon. All Freshmen except those who placed in the Yale dual meet last Saturday will be eligible to compete. The cup given by the graduates which is now in the possession of Smith Halls will go to the winners of this meet. First place will count 5 points; second, 3; and third, 1. In addition one point will be awarded to each team which enters sufficient men in each event according to the following scale: sprints, 6 men; hurdles 4; 440-yard run, 3; half-mile, 4; mile, and two-mile, 6; field events, 5 men each.

Prizes will be given the winners of the first three places in each event, and miniature copper hurdles, the gift of W. F. Garcelon LL.B. '95, will be presented to the winners of the two hurdle events. The order of the track events will be as follows: all the field events starting at 4: 120-yard hurdles; 100-yard dash; mile run; 440-yard dash; 880-yard run; 220-yard hurdles; 220-yard dash; two-mile run.

The time for entries in the University handicap meet to be held tomorrow afternoon, has been extended until 12 o'clock today. Blue-books are posted in the Locker Building, Leavitt & Peirce's, and the Freshman dormitories. No charge will be made for entrance to the meet this afternoon. Tomorrow admission will be 25 cents; tickets may be obtained at the H. A. A. Office and at the field. H. A. A. tickets and season baseball tickets will also admit.
