
Dormitory Tournament Continues

In the 1918 interdormitory tournament the following matches will be played on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 2 o'clock P. Townsend vs. D. Gregg, H. T. Davis vs. G. A. Johnson, P. N. Rhinelander vs. T. A. Smith; at 4 o'clock, W. Richmond vs. T. A. Smith; E. Kuhn vs. T. B. Scott, P. Townsend vs. P. Benton.

H. R. Guild '17 and D. Duncan '17 reached the finals of the College doubles tournament yesterday, defeating H. Morgan '17 and F. S. Whitlock '16, 6-8, 7-5, 6-3. H. Wainwright '15 and A. F. Doty '16 will play F. vanS. Hyde '16 and J. Wooldredge '16 this afternoon at 3.45 o'clock.
