

H. A. A. Will Supply Baseballs for Games.--Schedule for Today.

The "Skinamerinks" will play the "Wambas" and the "Cercle Francais" will play the "Busy Berthas" on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Leiter Cup baseball series. By mutual consent of the teams in question, however, a Saturday game may be postponed until after the schedule in the same manner that games called off on account of rain will be played. The games to be played yesterday were so postponed. A schedule for such games will be printed later.

Managers of the teams may get baseballs by applying at the H. A. A. on the morning that they are to play. Several men have signed up with two teams. They will be considered as members of the team they first play with. A box is provided at the left of the door of the CRIMSON Office for all notices and reports. A report of the games each day must be put in the box by the managers of the teams each day their teams play.
