
Crimson Calendar

All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."

Sunday, May 2.

11.00.--Morning Service in Appleton Chapel by the Reverend Elwood Worcester, Rector of Emmanuel Church, Boston.

4.00.--Medical School Lecture, XVIII, "Sex, Differences in the Human Brain" by Dr. E. E. Southard, the Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston.

Monday, May 3.


2.30.--Start of the University and Freshman tennis tournament on Jarvis Field.

2.30.--CRIMSON Editors' baseball team vs. candidates on Soldiers Field.

3.30.--Meeting of Romance seminary in Upper Warren.

4.00.--Letter Cup series, team 13 vs. 14, and team 4 vs. 5, on Soldiers Field.

4.30.--Lecture of Seminary of Economics, "The Boston & Maine Reorganization," by Professor Ripley in Upper Dane.

5.00.--Physical Colloquium, "X-Ray Wave Lengths," by Mr. F. L. Hunt in Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 5.

5.00.--University fencing championships in Hemenway Gymnasium.

8.00.--Modern Language Conference, "Walter Map: De Nugis Curialium," by Mr. James Hinton, and "The Medieval Legend of Judas Iscariot," by Mr. P. T. Baum, in Conant Common Room.

Tuesday, May 4.

4.00.--Meeting of Faculty of Arts and Sciences in University 5.
